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Towards a connection with Finnish nature: 
Forest art and wilderness skills for newly-arrived youth

The aim of this project, conducted in autumn 2022, was to give refugee youths the possibility to expand their experiences with Finnish nature. Over the course of two days in Seitseminen National Park and the historical Timi Pine forest area, we guided the youths through various art-therapeutic and wilderness activities to deepen their connection with Finnish forests.     

Lapsi, Taide ja Luonto (ebook versio).jp

Child, Art and Nature:
Nature art exercises for non-Finnish children and youth
ISBN 978-952-68868-2-4
This book was the product of a pilot project for the development of nature art workshops for refugee children and youth in Finland. Many of these children and youth have lived in Finnish reception centres for several years, and for them we wanted to develop a series of activities that focused on their present rather than the past. The main theme of the project was deepening one's connection with nature, and becoming familiar with the healing and empowering elements of Finnish nature.

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